Tours in Centra and Eastern Europe
Kraków – Poland
Gdańsk – Poland
Bałtyk – Poland
Tatry – Poland
Oscypek – Polish food
Polish folklore









Polish food


Polish folklore

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Entfliehen. Erkunden. Erleben.

POLAND TOUR ist ein Incoming-Reiseveranstalter, der sich auf maßgeschneiderte Pakete für Polen, Mittel- und Osteuropa spezialisiert hat. Im Laufe unserer langjährigen Erfahrung haben wir Hunderte von Reiserouten erstellt, die die wichtigsten historischen, ökologischen und kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten zeigen. Als Team von Reisebegeisterten, die stolz darauf sind, in Polen zu leben, sind wir ein leuchtender Beweis für das beliebte Zitat: „Tu, was du liebst, und du wirst nie wieder einen Tag in deinem Leben arbeiten müssen.“

Unser Angebot!

Um Ihnen die Auswahl zu erleichtern, sind alle von uns angebotenen Touren in 9 Gruppen unterteilt:

Wussten Sie…?

Polen hat viel zu bieten:

wunderschöne unberührte Natur (Meer, Seen, Flüsse, Wälder, Berge), interessante Geschichte und Hunderte von Denkmälern. Es gibt 32 Orte auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste und 11 UNESCO-Biosphärenreservate. Aber es gibt noch viel mehr zu entdecken.

I just wanted to let you know that we had a great time in Poland. You did a good job in making our arrangements. The Guides were pleasant, one time and well prepared. Poland was a great experience for Kathy and I, this trip will always be a fond memory for us.  Thanks for your help.

We had a terrific time in Poland, largely to the credit of Agnieszka.  She was an excellent match for us and immediately appreciated Agnieszka conveyed so much information to us in such a natural and easy manner that we gained an incredible knowledge about the history of places, people and Poland today—we cannot praise her too much!

This program looks amazing to us, you have done such a good job for us ! Were so thankful to have you as are travel consultant. In America we hear nightly on are evening news, stories about the strength \ generosity of the Polish people, trying to help Ukraine refugees. God Bless everyone of them Monika!

It has been a different trip from the typical one offered by agencies, since it has been totally personalized. We have been a family group of different ages and each one of us has contributed our wishes and ideas to the programme. Hopefully all of them have been fulfilled, thanks to the guides who have made it possible and made it happen.

It was a very pleasant well-planned trip, with good guides in Spanish

It was our second trip to Poland, so we didn’t want to repeat what we already knew. Poland Tour has put together a perfect tour for us, suggested by us, but incorporating valuable advice. The hotels are very central and perfect for us. The guides with a lot of knowledge and perfect Spanish. The very punctual and very friendly and collaborating transports. In short, all very well.

It has been wonderful. It has surprised me for good. The guides are professional, the schedules very well organized and the people very punctual. The excursions so well very, well prepared and the great train transfers.

Möchten Sie Ihre Reise individuell gestalten? Warsaw, Poland

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