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It was our second trip to Poland, so we didn’t want to repeat what we already knew. Poland Tour has put together a perfect tour for us, sug­gested by us, but incor­po­rating valuable advice. The hotels are very central and perfect for us. The guides with a lot of kno­wledge and perfect Spanish. The very punctual and very fri­endly and col­la­bo­rating trans­ports. In short, all very well.

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It has been a dif­ferent trip from the typical one offered by agencies, since it has been totally per­so­na­lized. We have been a family group of dif­ferent ages and each one of us has con­tri­buted our wishes and ideas to the pro­gramme. Hopefully all of them have been ful­filled, thanks to the guides who have made it pos­sible and made it happen.

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Shane & Kathy White

This program looks amazing to us, you have done such a good job for us ! Were so thankful to have you as are travel con­sultant. In America we hear nightly on are evening news, stories about the strength \ gene­rosity of the Polish people, trying to help Ukraine refugees. God Bless everyone of them Monika!

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We had a ter­rific time in Poland, largely to the credit of Agnieszka.  She was an excellent match for us and imme­di­ately appre­ciated Agnieszka con­veyed so much infor­mation to us in such a natural and easy manner that we gained an incre­dible kno­wledge about the history of places, people and Poland today—we cannot praise her too much!

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I just wanted to let you know that we had a great time in Poland. You did a good job in making our arran­ge­ments. The Guides were ple­asant, one time and well pre­pared.
Poland was a great expe­rience for Kathy and I, this trip will always be a fond memory for us.  
Thanks for your help.