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Polish food


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Polish folklore


Educational & Entertainment tour in Poland

9 days / 8 nights

There is no time for boredom in Poland! Take part in many different creative workshops and shows. Spend the whole day in the largest Amusement Park in Poland. Learn about old and modern technologies in mines.

> Krakow

Welcome to Poland !
Arrival to Krakow, Balice Airport. Transfer to the hotel and check-in.

Lunch in a local restaurant.

Culinary workshop of “obwar­zanek” the tra­di­tional bajgle of Krakow. Perhaps “obwar­zanek” will be the first thing you will try upon arrival to Krakow. In the Live Obwarzanek Museum you will attend a baking workshop in which you’ll bake your own bajgle. These incon­spicuous par­boiled dough rings have been part of city’s history for over 600 years. Beloved by cit­izens, tourists and pigeons! It’s been known since medieval times – kings ate it, knights ate it, even Wawel’s dragon ate it! Learn more and dis­cover what makes them unique during 1h long obwar­zanki making workshop. Each par­ti­cipant gets a piece of dough and leaves with their very own obwarzanek.

Dinner in the hotel.

Accommodation in a cent­rally located hotel in Krakow.

> Krakow > Wieliczka > Krakow

Breakfast at your hotel.

Sightseeing of Krakow — the cul­tural capital of Poland with Old Town listed as UNESCO Heritage. During the tour you would see Barbican and defensive walls with Florian’s Gate, the Main Market Square with Sukiennice Cloth Hall, St Mary’s Church and Town Hall Tower. We would proceed to the Jagiellonian University, pass by Archbishop Palace (where John Paul II used to live) as well as St Andrew’s Church and St Peter and Paul’s Church to reach the Wawel Hill.

Lunch in a local restaurant.

Transfer from Krakow to Wieliczka.

Sightseeing of Wieliczka Salt Mine — the most beau­tiful and the oldest oper­ating salt mine in the world (UNESCO Heritage). From over 700 years it was a source of Polish fortune and a physical fun­dament of culture. Today Wieliczka is the most will­ingly visited Polish tourist object with mag­ni­ficent chapels, charming under­ground lakes and ori­ginal tools and equipment. During this tour you could see a number of excavated chambers on 3 levels adorned with beau­tiful sculp­tures made of salt as well as a salt museum.

Optionally instead of tourist route, you may choose the miners route. This is not a sight­seeing but a real explor­ation in a special mining outfit! You will wander through the under­ground salt labyrinth, exploring the mys­terious and raw chambers around the oldest pre­served Regis Shaft. Tasks await you, such as searching for salt, testing the air in the mine and finding the right route under­ground. By per­forming prac­tical mining tasks, you will get to know the work of rep­res­ent­atives of old mining pro­fes­sions, such as crusher, methane tester and mining car­penter. During this exped­ition you will feel a shot of adren­aline, you will take part in an extraordinary, multi­s­ensory exper­ience! Transfer back to Krakow.

Accommodation in a cent­rally located hotel in Krakow.

> Krakow

Breakfast at your hotel.

Visit to the Glass and Ceramics Center. This is the only place of its kind in Krakow! Encounter the fas­cin­ating world of glass. Take part in an exclusive demon­stration of hand blown glass­making. Learn about tra­di­tional glass­making tech­niques, observe the process of glass cre­ation and try Your strength as a glass­maker!
During the visit you will also have a chance to see the exhib­ition “Glass in Krakow. Industry and Art. 1931–1998”.

Paint your own stained-glass! Visit the Stained Glass Workshop and Museum is an excellent form of cre­ative spending time. Participation in the work­shops creates a unique oppor­tunity to put yourself in the role of a craftsman. They take place in the his­torical interior of an authentic studio, which occupies a special place on the artistic map of the city. Workshop par­ti­cipants work together with exper­i­enced stained-glass artists. Each member of the group receives all necessary materials (including hand-blown stained glass) and, working under the super­vision of an exper­i­enced artist, creates a small stained glass window with their own hands. It will be a com­pletely unique souvenir from Krakow!

Accommodation in a hotel cent­rally located on Krakow.

> Krakow > Zator > Katowice

Breakfast at your hotel.

Transfer from Krakow to Zator — Energylandia Amusement Park.

Entrance to Energylandia, the perfect place for all teen­agers thirst for adventure and extreme exper­i­ences! This is the biggest Amusement Park in Poland, offering an impressive number of varied attrac­tions situated on an area of 43 hec­tares (size com­parable to the Vatican State). Energylandia is espe­cially proud of Hyperion — the tallest and fastest Mega Coaster in all Europe. In 2020 two roller coasters of Energylandia were recog­nized as the best devices of this type in Europe in the inter­na­tional Worldofparks-Awards 2020 com­pet­ition. The first place in this vote was taken by the Zadra wooden and steel roller coaster, the second — by the Hyperion. Would you venture to try them?

Transfer from Zator to Katowice.

Dinner in a local restaurant.

Accommodation in a cent­rally located hotel in Katowice.

> Katowice > Tarnowskie Gory > Lodz 

Breakfast at your hotel.

Sightseeing of Katowice – this indus­trial city is known for dis­covery of rich coal reserves, at the same time is the real mixture of cul­tures: Polish, German & Jewish. It is a centre of science, culture, industry, business and trade and was named a UNESCO City of Music. During our trip we will also visit the real pearl of postin­dus­trial archi­tecture — Nikiszowiec dis­trict. This excep­tional working-class estate was recently dis­covered by tourists.

Transfer from Katowice to Tarnowskie Gory.

Lunch in a local restaurant.

Tarnowskie Gory – the city known for his­toric lead-ore mining. It’s silver mine is in the UNESCO Heritage List since 2017. The visit in the Historic Silver Mine starts in an inter­active museum where tourists find out more about methods of silver mining. Later on we explore under­ground trail that is 1,749 meters long and 270 meters are trav­elled by boats along mine adit. Transfer to Lodz.

Dinner in the hotel.

Accommodation in a hotel cent­rally located in Lodz.

> Lodz

Breakfast at your hotel.

Sightseeing of Lodz — one of the biggest Polish cities. During your visit you will find traces of the four cul­tures: Polish, Jewish, German and Russian that coex­isted there and became one. Furthermore, you would admire mod­ernist and indus­trial arqui­tecture. Thanks to its numerous factories, Lodz was also called the „Polish Manchester”. During the route you would see the Old Town and the indus­trial complex of Poznanski family, the famous Manufaktura. Next, you would visit the Scheibler fabric complex „Księży Młyn” that is a great example of the revital­iz­ation of the city during the last years. In the end, you would dis­cover Piotrkowska Street, the most popular walkway full of shops, pubs, res­taurants and sculp­tures that com­mem­orate famous inhab­itants of Lodz.

Entrance to the Factory Museum which is a place where you will dis­cover the history of textile factories estab­lished by Izrael Poznański in the second half of the 19th century. In their heyday, these plants pro­duced mil­lions of meters of cotton fabrics. You will also learn about the tech­nique of pro­ducing cotton fabrics and the daily work of former workers. The exhib­ition presents photos, doc­u­ments, videos, archi­tec­tural plans, samples of raw materials and products of the factory. Here you will see how antique looms work and you will know long journey of cotton from the plant­ation, through the factory, to the fabric shop.

In the end you will have a chance to take part in screen printing work­shops. Each par­ti­cipant will receive materials and tools, and then, in accordance with the instruc­tions, they will dec­orate a cotton bag with a selected pattern. It will be a hand-made souvenir that you will take with you from Poland!

Free time for lunch and shopping in the Manufaktura Shopping Center.

Dinner in the hotel.

Accommodation in a hotel cent­rally located on Lodz.

> Lodz > Belchatow > Warsaw

Breakfast at your hotel.

Transfer from Lodz to Belchatow.

Time to visit the largest opencast lignite mine in Poland — the mine in Belchatow. It is 25 km long and 300 m deep. Nothing to wait for — in a few dozen years a lake will be built here! During our trip, we will go to the viewing ter­races, from where you will be able to see the vast area of the mine, chimneys and the facil­ities of the Bełchatów power plant. Then we will get into a special vehicle and go down to the mine pit. Here you will see how giant indus­trial machines work. People look like ants next to them!

Lunch in a local restaurant.

Entrance to PGE Giganty Mocy, an inter­active exhib­ition in Belchatow, which is one of the biggest attrac­tions of the Lodz voivodeship. In the halls of PGE Giganty Mocy, learning is com­bined with fun. You’ll find out where the elec­tricity is actually from. You’ll also learn its elec­tri­fying story. In this inter­active museum you’ll have a lot of fun: you will exper­ience a journey in a time machine and take part in an electric race. You’ll also take a role of a power dis­patcher. During this amazing tour you will get a large dose of know­ledge and hear many fun-facts about natural sci­ences. From the museum you will return full of energy, maybe even elec­trified!

Optionally (subject to avail­ab­ility):
During the labor­atory workshop “Micro world in the macro scale”, young people will learn the para­meters and func­tions of digital micro­scope cameras and their software. Students will learn how to work effect­ively with this inter­esting tooling. They will teach how to use software to prepare magical photos and videos of what is invisible to the “naked” eye.
In addition, during the workshop, we will refresh the know­ledge about the con­struction of a bio­lo­gical micro­scope and con­ducting obser­va­tions with its use. The summary of the classes will be the pre­par­ation of our own micro­graphs, which we will print and give to their authors.
Alternatively: “Workshop under tension” — Physical workshop

Transfer from Belchatow to Warsaw.

Accommodation in a hotel cent­rally located in Warsaw.

> Warsaw

Breakfast at your hotel.

Visit of the capital city of Poland — Warsaw. During this tour, we will visit the most important spots in the city and will have an oppor­tunity to become acquainted with the some­times tragic past of Warsaw and the history of Poland. We will start our tour by vis­iting the Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the New Town. We will con­tinue our journey to Krasinski Palace, the Supreme Court building and the Warsaw Uprising Monument. After that, we will go to the Lazienki Royal Park where we will see the famous monument ded­icated to Frederic Chopin where we will have an oppor­tunity to relax in the beau­tiful rose garden and among the dazzling natural ele­ments of the park. You will truly forget that you are in a major European Capital City.

Lunch in a local restaurant.

Visit to the Copernicus Science Centre. It con­tains over 450 inter­active exhibits that enable vis­itors to single-handedly carry out exper­i­ments and dis­cover the laws of science for them­selves. The Centre is the largest insti­tution of its type in Poland and one of the most advanced in Europe.

Accommodation in a hotel cent­rally located in Warsaw.

> Warsaw

Breakfast at your hotel.

Transfer to the airport in Warsaw.
